
Hi! Writing has until now been an irreplaceable behind-the-scenes element in my creative process (and life-coping process, haha). I wanted to invite you into it, by posting some of them on this informal space, and ask you to participate, share your thoughts, and together create ideas! 

I have to admit I can be shy to share my thoughts, as I am aware of my untamable tendency toward melodrama. I am also usually frustrated at words' limitations to express feelings. But then again, every medium has limitations. Without limitations we couldn't communicate, comprehend, or even exist; in fact, I guess it is limitations themselves that allow us to understand and be anything definite at all. Hmm... that idea will have to be returned to. 

(that smudge is my hand waving to say hi :)  )

(that smudge is my hand waving to say hi :)  )